How to get an extract from the Czech Commercial Register?
16. 12. 2024
5 minut čtení
The Commercial Register is a public list that contains legally mandated information about companies. In the Czech Republic, it is maintained electronically by the registry court and is accessible to everyone for free. Anyone has the right to inspect it and make copies and extracts. Information in the commercial register becomes effective for third parties as soon as it’s published, unless they can prove they knew about it earlier. The person who registered the information can’t argue that the register is incorrect if someone else acted based on the published data.
What is available in the online version?
In the online version of the Commercial Register, managed by the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic and accessible at, you can find:
Name of the entity
Identification number
File number
List and name of executives
List and name of shareholders
Other useful information
This can be very useful if, for example, you want to check that the person signing a contract has the appropriate authority to act on behalf of the company. This register is free and accessible to everyone without the need for registration.
Right after the search, we can see all the relevant information about the subject:
Entity name
File number
Registered office
Identification number
Date of registration
Additional details are available when you click to show the full extract.
It is possible to access a current extract, where you can find more detailed information about the statutory body, how it can act, who the company's shareholders are or what the company's share capital is. This information is valid on the date of the search in the commercial register.
Another option is thefull extract, which differs in that it shows all recorded changes and contains all data that have been entered in the register in the past.
The last one on offer is the collection of deeds, where all important documents related to the company are stored. These can be, for example, incorporation deeds, annual reports or financial statements.
An extract from the Commercial Register is an important document used in various situations, such as opening a business or corporate bank account, entering into business contracts or applying for grants or other legal actions.
How to obtain an extract from the Commercial Register?
Online: You can get an informative extract for free on the website. Just enter the company name, ID number, or file number. If you choose this version, just go to the bottom right corner of the website and download the PDF version.
Czech POINT: You can obtain an official verified extract at Czech POINT branches, which can be found at post offices or municipal offices.
Data Box: If you have a data box, you can request the extract electronically and receive it directly in your box. This is only available to Czech residents with an active Data Box system, administered by the Ministry of Justice.
When is the online version sufficient and when do you need the official version?
Online Version
Informative Purposes: If you only need basic information about a company, such as for your own overview or to check a business partner, the online version from the website is sufficient.
Quick Check: For a quick check of details like the company name, ID number, registered office, statutory bodies, etc., the online version is adequate.
Official Version
Legal Acts: For any legal acts, such as opening a bank account, signing contracts, or applying for grants, you usually need the official (verified) version.
Court Proceedings: If you need the extract for court proceedings or other official purposes, you must have a verified extract, which you can obtain at Czech POINT branches or through a data box.
It is therefore always necessary to consider the purposes for which you need the statement, so that you have it in the correct version and can avoid possible complications.
If you are a business owner in need of an extract from the commercial register, whether certified or uncertified, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to assist you and will handle all the necessary procedures on your behalf.
Autor článku:
Klára Jílková
Klára je studentkou 3. ročníku Právnické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity v Brně a v AK Cisek pracuje na pozici právního asistenta.